Thursday, July 12, 2012


There is an interesting combination of foods that I have been craving recently.  Oddly enough, this week, I haven't craved meats.  I eat them, but thus far today, I haven't had meat.  I've had proteins like pinto beans, cottage cheese, cheddar cheese, eggs and so forth, but I haven't had any meat at all today.  I'm not trying to stay away from meats, mind you.  I just haven't eaten them today.

Isn't that how it goes though?  Our bodies crave things, but do we truly listen?  Ever since I've been pregnant and given birth, I've tried to listen to what my body was telling me.  Although 17 years ago, my cravings for kielbasa and sauerkraut were so very real and ravenous.  Of course I didn't give in all the time to those cravings.  However, when it was that time of year to have kielbasa and sauerkraut and I happened to be pregnant, I indulged a little.  :)  But, what was my body craving?  Probably the fermented veggies.  I'm just beginning to learn about the benefits of fermented foods, so please forgive my ignorance.  Perhaps we could learn together?!  :D

Lately, I have been craving avocados with a little sea salt and pepper.  At other times it's pinto beans/refried beans with cheese.  I know that these foods are good for you, so I don't mind eating a small bowl of pinto  beans followed by an avocado.

Last week I couldn't get enough protein one day, so there has to be something to these cravings. long as I don't give in to the Cheetos.  LOL

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