Saturday, January 23, 2016

Foodie Learning

Forgive me for neglecting this blog for so long.  We have been moving, learning, growing, loving, surgery, eating so very bad while getting moved and settled, and now we're back to where we need to be.

Now, we are completely rid of E.V.E.R.Y-S.I.N.G.L.E. processed food out of the house!  There's nothing, but frozen foods, home canned foods, a few commercially canned items, and fresh fruits and veggies as well as dairy.

Both my husband and I have diabetes that we control through medication, diet, and exercise.  I have high blood pressure that is linked to PCOS, but without PCOS any longer, it's coming down with the weight loss.


The recipes from the cookbook are awesome!  I have the whole family on the plan right now.  My youngest son doesn't need to lose weight, so he does healthy crossovers.  My husband and I have lost 20+ pounds.  My oldest son has lost roughly 12 pounds.  My daughter has lost significantly too.

To say that we've been "dieting" has not been exactly true.  This is a lifestyle change, a sort of rethinking of how we do things to ensure greater health and healing of our bodies.

With this Swiss Bread, I made sandwiches for my hubby and I.

It was my first grilled ham and cheese sandwich in over a year.

Joseph's Lavish bread is low carb, so I cut them in to small chip like pieces and cooked them in scant amount of coconut oil and ate them with salsa.   Yum!

Our once a week scrambled eggs!  We have so many choices that have opened up to us that although we still enjoy our eggs, we enjoy our other things too, like Volcano Lava cake! (Sorry, I don't have a picture of it.)

We have our pizza nights too.  This is our usual Chicken/Feta/Spinach pizza on THM pizza crust.  My oldest son LOVED it!  Wow! 

As you can see, everything is in it's place.  Every family member takes their turn making THM dinners.  It does a family good to be all on the same page, respecting and loving one another on our journey.

God Bless,